LiFT 4 Autism 2022

Bidding for the 2022 LiFT 4 Autism fundraiser has begun.

Complete Catalog

International Catalog

(Bidding closes Friday, April 29 at 5:00 pm EST.)

The online auction features signed paperbacks, hardcovers, full series sets, out-of-print covers, annotated copies, gift boxes galore, personal one-on-one Zoom/Skype calls with some of your favorites . . . and MORE, all donated by authors, narrators, publishers, bloggers, and readers. Just people who wanted to be a part of something to help autism families through their charitable partner, Kulture City.

It’s STILL not too late to donate items! Donate Auction Items:

And if you don’t win your bid or don't want to bid, you can STILL be involved!

Other ways to give:

Make a Tax-Deductible Donation using this link to our Kulture City Scholarship fund! No amount is too small and every bit 

Buy LiFT Merch (all proceeds go to the LIFT Scholarship fund)

Here’s some FAQ about the auction and the bidding process that may prove helpful 

Remember! Bidding on auction items closes at 5:00 pm EST on Friday, April 29, 2022.

#LiFT4Autism #AutismAcceptance 
