Whispers In Washington by Jennifer Wilck

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WHISPERS IN WASHINGTON (Ticket To True Love) by Jennifer Wilck is NOW LIVE!


Naomi's life has been destroyed…

When Naomi Adelman’s crooked politician husband was arrested, her life, and that of her daughters, was destroyed. Divorced and rebuilding her life, Naomi is wiser, stronger, and determined not to let anyone hurt her or her family again. Her new life doesn’t include falling for her charming and good-looking neighbor. 

Max bet everything and lost...

Max Bruder bet his entire career on the Adelman story and lost everything. So, he figures that karma has smiled down on him when Naomi moves in next door. This is his chance to revitalize his career. Except the closer he gets to her, the deeper he falls for her. And soon, the line between interview subject and lover blurs.

If they fall for each other, they may jeopardize their chance at a future.

When Max’s true motive is revealed, will Naomi be able to forgive him? And will Max be able to stop the whispers to protect her before it’s too late?

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Whispers in Washington by Jennifer Wilck is part of  the Tickets to True Love Series. Love, betrayal, a parking ticket, and the hope of a future fill the pages of Whisper in Washington. 

  Jennifer Wilck has written a story that hits many emotions. Naomi’s ex betrayed her trust but could she trust Max? Naomi wants to move on from her ex’s crimes but, understandably so, cannot trust those she doesn’t know until that fateful parking ticket.

  Max wants the next big story in order to spend more time writing his novel. He wants this story at all costs until emotions cloud his professional judgement.

   I really enjoyed Whispers in Washing. Jennifer has created a storyline that is believable and compelling. Naomi and Max have their own demons they need to work through. Mistakes are made and yet both Naomi and Max navigate these mistakes based on their own pasts and feeling. On a side note. I’m not a religious person but really enjoyed reading a story from a Jewish perspective.  I have friends.from all religious backgrounds. Jennifer does not push her beliefs but mixes in some of the more commonly known Jewish holidays. Do not let this be a deterrent to reading this book. I highly recommend reading Whispers in Washington. The storyline and character development are mixed with a heated attraction that will warm your heart.

  I received an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are mine and were not influenced by the author or her promotional team.

ARC provided by the author.

Meet Jennifer

When I was a little girl and couldn't fall asleep, my mother would tell me to make up a story. Pretty soon, my head was filled with these stories and the characters that populated them. Each character had a specific personality, a list of likes and dislikes, and sometimes, even a specific accent or dialect. Even as an adult, I think about the characters and stories at night before I fall asleep, or in the car on my way to or from one of my daughters' numerous activities (hey, anything that will drown out their music is a good thing). 

One day, I started writing them down (it was either that or checking into the local mental hospital--the computer was way less scary) and now I'm a published author. My first book, A Heart of Little Faith, was just declared a Finalist in the Fiction: Romance category of the 2016 Best Book Awards. In the Moment was a 2018 Stiletto Finalist in mid-length novels.

In the real world, I'm the mother of two amazing daughters and wife of one of the smartest men I know. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, reading, traveling and watching TV. 

I write stories that let me escape from reality. In my made-up world, the heroines are always smart, sassy and independent. The heroes are handsome and strong with just a touch of vulnerability. If I don't like a character, I can delete him or her; if something doesn't work, I can rewrite it. It's very satisfying to be in control of at least one part of my life. My inspiration comes from watching the people around me and fantasizing about how I'd do things differently.

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