From NYT Bestselling Author, JA Huss, comes a new sexy standalone in the Jordan's Game series.
Title: The Boyfriend Experience
Series: Jordan’s Game #3
Author: JA Huss
Genre: Standalone Contemporary Romance
Release Date: May 30, 2018

Series: Jordan’s Game #3
Author: JA Huss
Genre: Standalone Contemporary Romance
Release Date: May 30, 2018
I NEED A BOYFRIEND… and I need one now…
One bad-ass man with boyfriend experience.
Must be willing to fight dirty and work weekends, nights, and overtime.
Bad attitude a must. Bonus points if you’re hot, athletic, and sporting tattoos.
When I asked Jordan Wells for a Boyfriend Experience game I didn’t expect to get stuck with billionaire real-estate agent, Lawton Ayers. He doesn’t exactly fit the job description.
One professional woman with business experience.
Must be willing to build a future together.
Successful entrepreneur a must. Bonus points if you’re a crazy local legend.
When Jordan Wells offered up Oaklee Ryan a last-minute business partner to seal a deal I’ve been working on for years, I didn’t expect beautiful, sexy, and multi-orgasmic to be on her list of qualifications.
But that’s what I got. And she’s perfect just the way she is.
Too bad she doesn’t want me to be HER boyfriend. Because she bought me for someone else…
Excerpt #1:
She’s smiling up at me, her brown eyes turned slightly yellow from the glow of the lights, her cheeks pink. Flushed from the exertion of sex. Her breathing slower now, but not her heart. Because I can feel it underneath me.
Still pounding.
Waiting for more.
Trying to match mine.
So we can keep time together.
I think that’s what hearts do. Keep time. Keep everything together. Keep this crazy thing called life in perspective.
“One more time here,” I say. “Then I’ll take you inside so I can get you naked.”
It’s too cold to make her take her clothes off. Even though I know she’d do that if I asked her to. I can already feel the chill of her beneath me. But my body heat will help. Will protect her from the cold.
The deluxe package includes a boyfriend blanket on a cold night.
She opens her legs, reaches down between them to pull her panties aside, and my hips adjust enough to allow my cock to slide up to her opening. Her fingers are grabbing my shoulder now. And even through the leather I can feel them dig.
I want to take the jacket off so she can leave marks on me. I want there to be nothing between us. But I want her to be on the bottom at least once. So she can look up and see the surreal fantasy version of the underside of her water tower just like I did. So we can share that special feeling of being with someone you adore in a way that can’t be repeated.
No one will ever make love to her like this again. Not even me. Because this is a moment and moments pass into other moments and no two are ever alike.
She thrusts her hips upward, trying to force me to enter her. I just grin, because not gonna happen. Not until I say so, at least.
“Come on,” she whispers, watching me intently. “Let’s go.”
“We’ve got time. There’s no rush.”
She thrusts upward again. “There is a rush. A rush I want to experience again. Don’t make me beg, Lawton Ayers.”
“Begging?” I ask playfully. “Is that something you do?”
She giggles, then gets serious real quick. She frowns. Pouts her lips. Widens her eyes. “Please,” comes out like a whimper. Like she’s been wounded and needs relief. Relief only I can administer.
“Just take a moment, Oaklee. Feel it with me.”
Her eyes narrow slightly. Like she’s trying to figure out what I’m asking.
“The game is over,” I say. “That’s what I want you to feel. We passed it by some time ago. I’m not sure when, exactly. But the game is over.”
“OK,” she says, her face relaxing. The pout is gone. The confusion is gone. And all her expectations seem to melt away. “We’re real,” she whispers.
Excerpt #2:
The moment I orgasm he thrusts his hips and fills me so deep I can’t breathe. The muscles in my legs are spasming. My eyelids flutter closed—not sure if they want to stay that way and drag the moment out behind a curtain of fireworks on black, or open wide to see the whole thing in perfect clarity.
They lose the battle and stay closed as pleasure courses through me in waves. My muscles contracting against his cock. The low growl comes from deep within him as he reaches his climax with me, and then the explosion as he comes inside me.
I laugh. I can’t help it. I just smile, and laugh, and let the happiness and satisfaction bubble out of me like some wild child who’s never been let out to play.
“Jesus,” he says, his body relaxing.
I lean my face up into his neck. Smelling the new leather of his jacket, the faint scent of antiseptic from the tattoo, and aftershave leftover from this morning.
He grabs my hair, pulls it—not too hard, but not too softly either—until my mouth is up against his again.
We don’t kiss. We don’t even move. We just go still.
I can feel him smile. I’m sure he can feel me smile too.
“Now what?” I ask.
“Whatever you want, Oaks,” he replies back, kissing my lips softly. Tenderly.
“I’m not talking about—”
“I know what you’re talking about,” he says, cutting me off. “And my answer is still, ‘Whatever you want, Oaks.’”
“Shhh,” he says. “Stop thinking.”
I laugh. “No one can stop thinking.”
“It wasn’t a request.”
He continues to kiss me. His mouth more urgent. His lips more demanding. His will imposed.
“No. We’re going to take that pizza inside,” he says. “Then we’re going to fuck in a hot shower so we can get warm. And then we’re going eat dinner naked in front of your fireplace.”
I just smile.
“Any objections?”
“Can’t think of any.”
“Good, because that wasn’t really a question either.”

The moment I orgasm he thrusts his hips and fills me so deep I can’t breathe. The muscles in my legs are spasming. My eyelids flutter closed—not sure if they want to stay that way and drag the moment out behind a curtain of fireworks on black, or open wide to see the whole thing in perfect clarity.
They lose the battle and stay closed as pleasure courses through me in waves. My muscles contracting against his cock. The low growl comes from deep within him as he reaches his climax with me, and then the explosion as he comes inside me.
I laugh. I can’t help it. I just smile, and laugh, and let the happiness and satisfaction bubble out of me like some wild child who’s never been let out to play.
“Jesus,” he says, his body relaxing.
I lean my face up into his neck. Smelling the new leather of his jacket, the faint scent of antiseptic from the tattoo, and aftershave leftover from this morning.
He grabs my hair, pulls it—not too hard, but not too softly either—until my mouth is up against his again.
We don’t kiss. We don’t even move. We just go still.
I can feel him smile. I’m sure he can feel me smile too.
“Now what?” I ask.
“Whatever you want, Oaks,” he replies back, kissing my lips softly. Tenderly.
“I’m not talking about—”
“I know what you’re talking about,” he says, cutting me off. “And my answer is still, ‘Whatever you want, Oaks.’”
“Shhh,” he says. “Stop thinking.”
I laugh. “No one can stop thinking.”
“It wasn’t a request.”
He continues to kiss me. His mouth more urgent. His lips more demanding. His will imposed.
“No. We’re going to take that pizza inside,” he says. “Then we’re going to fuck in a hot shower so we can get warm. And then we’re going eat dinner naked in front of your fireplace.”
I just smile.
“Any objections?”
“Can’t think of any.”
“Good, because that wasn’t really a question either.”
Excerpt #3:
We did something wrong.
We fucked this up.
Somehow, some way, we missed the most obvious clue.
And yet… it’s still the closest thing to perfection I’ve ever felt with a woman.
So does it matter? Does it matter that when I leave here and tomorrow comes—when I go back to work and take phone calls, and meetings, and show houses, and do paperwork—the fantasy will end?
Will the sting of tomorrow take away the sweetness of today?
That’s the question she’s asking.
And that’s the question I answer when I reaffirm and say, “No. It won’t.”
“Fuck me hard this time,” she says.
I smile.
“Just do it.”
I smile bigger.
“Fuck me like the world ends tonight. Fuck me like we’ll never fuck again. Fuck me like—”
I whirl around, pressing her back into the hard tiled wall of the shower, back my hips up so only the tip of my cock is inside her. And thrust forward.
Her fingernails dig into my bare shoulders, gripping them like she never wants to let go, and I pound her again. She leans her head down, mouth open, and bites me on the fleshy part of my arm. Just a quick nip. Like she needs to get my full attention even though she already has it. It needs to be complete. It needs to be all-consuming. It needs to belong to her and only her.
I thrust again. Then again, and again, and again. Giving her what she wants. Her bite becomes a kiss. Her fingernails find their way to my back. Dragging up and down, up and down, and I fuck her back and forth. Back and forth.
And then I change my tactics. Stopping completely.
“No,” she whines, biting my shoulder again. “No.”
I hug her close. My hands gripping her ass so hard, she’ll have bruises tomorrow. My chest pressed into her breasts, relishing the feeling of her softness again the hardness of me.
As slow and soft as it’s been so far with Oaklee, that’s how fast and hard it is now.
I fuck her like the world ends tonight.
I fuck her like we’ll never fuck again.
I fuck her just the way she wants me to.
We did something wrong.
We fucked this up.
Somehow, some way, we missed the most obvious clue.
And yet… it’s still the closest thing to perfection I’ve ever felt with a woman.
So does it matter? Does it matter that when I leave here and tomorrow comes—when I go back to work and take phone calls, and meetings, and show houses, and do paperwork—the fantasy will end?
Will the sting of tomorrow take away the sweetness of today?
That’s the question she’s asking.
And that’s the question I answer when I reaffirm and say, “No. It won’t.”
“Fuck me hard this time,” she says.
I smile.
“Just do it.”
I smile bigger.
“Fuck me like the world ends tonight. Fuck me like we’ll never fuck again. Fuck me like—”
I whirl around, pressing her back into the hard tiled wall of the shower, back my hips up so only the tip of my cock is inside her. And thrust forward.
Her fingernails dig into my bare shoulders, gripping them like she never wants to let go, and I pound her again. She leans her head down, mouth open, and bites me on the fleshy part of my arm. Just a quick nip. Like she needs to get my full attention even though she already has it. It needs to be complete. It needs to be all-consuming. It needs to belong to her and only her.
I thrust again. Then again, and again, and again. Giving her what she wants. Her bite becomes a kiss. Her fingernails find their way to my back. Dragging up and down, up and down, and I fuck her back and forth. Back and forth.
And then I change my tactics. Stopping completely.
“No,” she whines, biting my shoulder again. “No.”
I hug her close. My hands gripping her ass so hard, she’ll have bruises tomorrow. My chest pressed into her breasts, relishing the feeling of her softness again the hardness of me.
As slow and soft as it’s been so far with Oaklee, that’s how fast and hard it is now.
I fuck her like the world ends tonight.
I fuck her like we’ll never fuck again.
I fuck her just the way she wants me to.
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